Our shop
本店自2017年5月起成為德國 Oshadhi 香港代理,專賣 Oshadhi 芳療產品,
Oshadhi 芳療產品專門店位於銅鑼灣希慎旁邊,地點方便,產品種類齊全。
Official distributor of Oshadhi aromatherapy products in Hong Kong since May 2017. Conveniently located in Causeway Bay, our shop features a wide range of therapeutic quality aromatherapy products including essential oils, hydrolates, carrier oils, and other skin care & body care products.
About Oshadhi
Oshadhi 在古印度語中為「有治療作用的植物 ( healing plants ) 」之意。
來自德國的 Oshadhi 致力於維持精油產品的質量。創辦人Dr. Malte Hozzel 走遍世界各地,深入認識農民,嚴格挑選合作夥伴。農民熱愛大地、維護生態平衡,才能製作出高品質、深具療癒力的精油。Oshadhi 的品質監控從植物栽種開始。
在植物蒸餾的過程中,Oshadhi 堅持以低溫低壓操作,需時更長,所得的精油量也較少。但是這樣子製作出來的精油,品質要比大量生產好一百倍 ! 重質不重量,是Oshadhi 的堅持。
Oshadhi 精油的包裝過程由人手操作,避免精油接觸高幅射的電磁場,影響精油的天然活性。Oshadhi 竭盡全力,減少對植物精華的傷害,以維持精油的品質。
Oshadhi 提供接近500個品種的植物精油,其中70% 是有機或野生種植。其精油經過多重品質測試,保證以最佳的質量到達消費者手中。Oshadhi 的精油純淨、療效佳,每一瓶精油都是來自大地最珍貴的恩賜。
Finest quality aromatherapy products from Germany
We guarantee pure oils in best available quality, based on more than 30 years of research and experience. This includes long-term relationships with our producers, high standards in organic certification and analysis, as well as constant focus on preserving the inherent energy of the plant.
Oshadhi uses only the highest quality, therapeutic grade, certified organic or wild harvested essential oils, exceptional in their purity. All Essential oils are derived from plants that are naturally cultivated without the use of chemical additives.