這是一個非常特別的Wellness Retreat,12/12 (日)在西貢清水灣一幢雅緻的別墅裡面舉行。Tame Life Retreats 內容包括空中瑜伽、音頻療癒、正念靜觀…等各項滋養身心靈的活動。Planet Love一向重視Holistic Wellness,當然樂意贊助是次活動!誠意邀請你一同參與,為自己創造一個別具新意的療癒體驗!
Planet Love Aromatherapy is happy to be sponsoring this very special wellness retreat held locally in Hong Kong. We’ll be giving away Oshadhi products as special gifts to all participants.
Tame Life Retreats combine a unique experience of movement, mindfulness, and wellness techniques to inspire transformation and inspiration for creating an extraordinary life. Get your ticket now: